This Page is for all to use as you wish book mark
it for your own chat page for you and your friends and if I happen to be
around drop me a line and say hi.
Requires A JAVA Enabled Browser
To use chat
Just type your name, handle, or nick name
in the bottom
line and press enter
Thats it, you
will log into the system and every one in the room can chat
Just type into
the bottom line and hit enter key to send
.If no one
is online just wait and someone will show up sooner or later
Command List
Commands always start with '.' or '/'.
to leave
.msg <nick>
to send a message
.help for
this help page
.who [<channel>]
to see the who list [of <channel>]
to get information about user <nick>
.me <action>
to emote
for the channel list
.join <channel>
for joining/creating a channel
for a list of users on the server